The LeBaron Bunch, kinda like The Brady Bunch only BeTTeR

"Now if you are going to win any battle you have to do one thing. You have to make the mind run the body. Never let the body tell the mind what to do. The body will always give up. It is always tired in the morning, noon, and night. but the body is never tired if the mind is not tired."
George S. Patton, U.S. Army General, 1912 Olympian

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

15 Years on the 15th!!!! and a Photo Shoot

K, so it's almost been 2 months since our 15th Anniversary, but it's worth writing about anyways. WARNING long post...sorry.

A HUGE Thank you to my BIL and his 9 mo pregnant wife for traipsing all over the temple grounds to try to take our picture. He did a fantastic can check out more of his work at:

This matches the vision I had..except Baby Dolly (or The Boss ) was in mid flight...she should be standing, dang it.

This little girl would leave at the least provocation. We could not for the life of us keep her put. So her nickname is changing from Baby Dolly to The Boss :)

We couldn't keep our formation. uuggh
So Mr. L hadda wonderful idea, just play follow the leader. She wanted to walk anyway, and the kids had lotsa fun.

Dang, look at all of those little munchkins!!!! We are truly blessed~ even though by the end of the shoot I was about ready to scream.... :)


Time flys when you're having fun, or when you're not getting anything done., and you run outta time to do everything by the end of the day. I guess raising kids is getting things done....maybe undone and then redone. It's the cycle of the undoing/redoing...nothing really gets done ultimately. At least raising kids is a permanent fixture, all the teaching and re-teaching does eventually sinks in. Sometimes it takes years before you notice...all the repetition does pay off.

So Mr. L and I got married in the St. George Temple for time and all Eternity 15 years ago!!!! The best day of my life, and every day since that day have been pretty darn wonderful.

We went on a hike the day before, and had tinfoil dinners. It was soo fun!!!

Of course we hadda take another pic with the sunset. It made gorgeous backdrop!!!

The next night we went to Made in Brazil, oh my goodness, and yumminess...and expensivenesss (good thing we hadda coupon:)....but oh so good. It was a glorified salad bar, with some really exotic things to put on your salad and it also hadda side bar with potatoes, rice, stroganoff, and some other really fatty scrumptious foods. Then these guys go around to the tables bringing meat straight off of the rotisserie...a lot of people really digged this, like Mr. L. I passed, I'm not a big meat eater. But very great food!!!! The most memorable time was the hike, I highly recommend it!!!!


Fun Family Times said...

congrats! The pictures are cute!

saskia said...


Nathan and Brooke LeBaron said...

Super Cute!!! Congratulations!

Summer said...

Those pics are fabulous..I love the temple setting. It is quite a feat to endure family pictures without a breakdown.

Brett and Tiffany said...

I love your family pictures! My favorite is the one in front of the temple with the kids behind you a little bit! Love it! You have a beautiful family!

Cheryl said...

Congratulations you beautiful couple!
The pictures of you must be just as pretty as your wedding day pictures.
The temple grounds made a perfect place.

Stephanie Lee said...

Dang!! That is the handsomest family of blue-eyed blondies I've ever seen!!

Malisa said...

Cute pictures and fun post. Congratulations!!

laceeJ said...

I love those pics! WOW! I also know how frustrating it can be with the youngsters! Congrats on 15 years!

Angie Stewart Black said...

Your pictures turned out AMAZING! Who would have thought back in the LK days that we would be where we are? Six kids? You seem to be the best mommy and so patient. Congrats to you and your hubby! That is simply wonderful!

Lorilee said...

I am loving your pictures. Way cute guys. Congrats on all those years. Someday we will be there...too bad we'll never catch up. Anyway, miss you.

Steve said...

You have such a beautiful family! I was just telling Steve that you and Arthur are 2 of my very favorite people from High School. I wish we lived closer. I know our families would get along great. We just got wi-fi for Christmas so now I have access on my iPod and can check in more often! - Neisha

Heidi said...

What a cute family you have. I love your temple pictures, adorable. :)

Amanda Borden said...

Your family is so cute Andrea. I just love the passion you and Arthur share w/each other. I feel the same way about my lover. Your temple pics are priceless. Where is Made in Brazil? I haven't heard of it.

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