I love this season....the wonderful Holiday Season. Not the cold so much, but the effervescent feelings of nostalgia it brings.....school beginning, my birthday, my anniversary, Halloween, the birth of my first son, Thanksgiving, Christmas, the birth of my 2nd son....so so many wonderful memories and feelings are flooding over. The thing with this season, though, is that it can so easily become a season of wanting and needing and having-to-have instead of a feeling of gratitude.
The two don't exist at the same time...being without and bein

I guess what I'm trying to say is that I'm gonna try focusing on my blessings, and I'm gonna start by writing 10 things that I'm grateful for every week. So here goes:
1~ My family.
2~ Freshly ground wheat.
3~ A wheat grinder.
4~ Homemade Wheat Bread right outta the oven.
5~ When lost things are found (I really hope I can find my lost camara soon, hint, hint).
6~ The sound of scissors cutting fabric. (Oh Yeah!! A project is about to begin.)
7~ The sound of a sewing machine.
8~ A good, deep conversation.
9~ Finding children's handiwork...their names or pic drawn in my notebooks. Not on my walls or furniture.
10~ Finding the perfect quote.
I love reading your posts! You are adorable and bring a smile to my face when I read up on your cute family. It is so hard to find balance during holidays, but so important! Last year my friend and I simplified our Christmas's by sticking to three gifts: 1. a need, 2. a want 3. and a treasure. And then one thing from Santa. It really made things more simple when shopping and kept me focused on buying for a specific reason and not just "because"! Anyway, goodluck! I am looking for a service project to do with my little family on Christmas Eve...have any ideas?
What a great post! I love your friend's comment about 3 gifts...need, want, treasure! Might have to try it!
wow! You're awesome! HOw often do you make bread? I made it once a week a few months back, but then I got burned out :( DO you get in those cycles of getting burned out ever? I would be surprised if you do.
Andrea, wow I miss you! I love reading your blog and seeing where you and yours are and what you're up to. Congrats on the Marathon. You are awesome. Being thankful for our blessings is part of His blessings... you are wonderful! Have a great day! :D
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